There are so many things that are going through my head recently. The thought I used to be so anxious that I couldn’t even reach out if I needed help. To getting a college degree in chemistry and forming a community around me that I respected and they respected me in return. I finally found a group of friends that challenge me but most of all truly care about me. I’ve had experiences that will stick with me forever and have helped put myself into context. I met someone who will be in my soul for the rest of my life. A person who just seemed to appear out of nowhere a friend, a companion, and much more.
This is change. Something I thought I thought I knew about until I had to say goodbye to all those wonderful things that seemed to just happen. The title of this blog is being positive because that’s what I need to do but have no clue how to do it. I knew exactly the day I was going to say “see you soon” with the reality that soon, if we’re luck, would be months from then. That it meant we were just friends from then on until another beautiful mix of reality brings us together or pushes us forward into something new. That’s what make it scary, that’s what makes change so hard!
A hope for what has happened to happen again and just as much hope that things will not and just like before everything will work out. That was the context of these travels with her, the ticking clock before everything changed. We spent these two days in the hill opposite the Sawtooth Mountains, a spot we scouted early that summer. We knew two things: we wanted to eat together one last time, for a while, at the Stanley Bakery and we wanted to enjoy each other in the company of what catalyzes so many things for us.
These mountains, her, me, we were all living in the moment enjoying what we had and living life the way anyone wished it could always be. This is the key to being positive, is knowing when things must change and not letting that impact the moment your in and the time that still maters..