I might be following the footsteps of just about every photographer out there but I’m going to self publish a zine on the Sawtooths. Now I’m not sure if everyone is familiar with the term zine, but it is a way to self publish work and was very popular before social media became the main way to share images. Zines now are basically short production photo books that are usually hand made or self published and this is exactly what I want to do with my work. Putting images into print is something that I want to start focusing on as that is where images belong.
I haven’t decided if it’s going to be exactly the photobook I made this fall with some revisions or something new. While I love the images and words I made that summer I may try to reconnect with the wilderness this summer and create all new images and word as part of this zine. An exploration of the seasons in the wonderful place may just be the premise.
Either way I know this summer will be an interesting one. Finding a job is going to be difficult and a hard choice given the proximity with my parents and the Coronavirus still being a threat. All I know is that I’m going to produce a zine this summer and my hope is to be able to make some money for school and have some to donate to those who need it.